
blargsnarf's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 312 (From 58 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 6,280 Points

Jumping Long

Medals Earned: 11/14 (155/220 points)

10 Jumps 5 Points

10 successful jumps

First Jump 5 Points

First successful jump

Hurt Yourself 5 Points

Jump and fall before the sand

Bolter 10 Points

Achieve running speed of 10 m/s

Jumper 10 Points

Jump over 6 meters

Long Jumper 10 Points

Jump over 8 meters

Star Collector 10 Points

Collect 50 stars from jumps

Angle Master 25 Points

Make 10 Jumps at almost perfect angle

Board Jumper 25 Points

Jump 10 times from just before foul line

Powered Up 25 Points

Make 10 jumps with almost filled speed bar

World Record! 25 Points

Break the World Record

Fouler 5 Points

Commit 10 Fouls

50 Jumps 10 Points

50 successful jumps

Perfect Jumper 50 Points

Make 10 Perfect Jumps (three stars in one jump)

Just Passing

Medals Earned: 9/9 (375/375 points)

A Big but Picky Eater 25 Points

Helped this large ghost

A Quest to Quench 25 Points

Helped this thirsty ghost

Can't Stop the Crops 25 Points

Helped this farming ghost

Dead end Job 25 Points

Helped this hardworking ghost

Flower Power 25 Points

Helped this floral ghost

One fish Boo fish 25 Points

Helped this fishy ghost

Take me out to the Boo-l game 25 Points

Helped this baseball liking ghost

Ticket To Ride 100 Points

Found all 7 souls and received your ticket

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kick The Critter

Medals Earned: 8/27 (80/960 points)

Getting good at this 5 Points

Reach level 5

Power Smash 5 Points

Do a Power Smash

To the Max 5 Points

Maximum Thunderness!!!

Deadly Smash 10 Points

Do 2 Power Smash in a row

Getting better 10 Points

Reach level 10

Meteor Strike 10 Points

Do a meteor strike

Up up we go 10 Points

Reach the 2nd background

In a galaxy far, far away 25 Points

Reach the 3rd background

Pimp my boot 10 Points

Upgrade the first kicker to the max

Pimp my cannon, lol 10 Points

Upgrade the third kicker to the max

Pimp my head 10 Points

Upgrade the second kicker to the max

Close Call 25 Points

Do a close call on a power smash

Getting serious 25 Points

Reach level 15

Mighty Smash 25 Points

Do 3 Power Smash in a row

Pimp my chest 25 Points

Upgrade the fourth kicker to the max

Drunk master 50 Points

Obtain a gold medal in you're drunk Mr.C.

Duck and cover master 50 Points

Obtain a gold medal in Duck and cover

Feel the power 50 Points

Reach level 20

Flappy batty master 50 Points

Obtain a gold medal in Flappy Batty

Floor is lava master 50 Points

Obtain a gold medal in Floor is Lava

Ludicrous Smash 50 Points

Do 4 Power Smash in a row

Pimp my robot 50 Points

Upgrade the robot to the max

Poor little pony 50 Points

Complete the game

Soviet Critter master 50 Points

Obtain a gold medal in Societ Critter

Berzerk Smash 100 Points

Do 5 Power Smash in a row

Going berzerk 100 Points

Reach level 25

Now we're talking 100 Points

Upgrade everything to the max

King's Game 2

Medals Earned: 3/48 (15/445 points)

Esquire 5 Points

Kill 5 enemy soldiers!

Lucky 5 Points

Win in one shot!

Rookie 5 Points

Fire 10 cannonballs!

Apprentice 5 Points

Use magic 5 times!

Banneret 5 Points

Kill 100 enemy soldiers!

Camper 5 Points

Burn to dust 10 bricks!

Criminal 5 Points

Kill 5 hostages!

Defender 5 Points

Survive 4 turns

Field Commander 5 Points

Win 10 battles

General 5 Points

Win 30 battles

Good Aim 5 Points

Win in one shot 10 times!

Killer 5 Points

Kill 15 hostages!

Knight 5 Points

Kill 25 enemy soldiers!

Master Shooter 5 Points

Win in one shot 30 times!

Pacifist 5 Points

Lose 10 games!

Poacher 5 Points

Shoot down 10 birds!

Protector 5 Points

Survive 5 turns

Sentinel 5 Points

Survive 3 turns

Serial Killer 5 Points

Kill 25 hostages!

Sholar 5 Points

Read help!

Shooter 5 Points

Win in one shot 20 times!

Supernova 5 Points

Burn to dust 150 bricks!

Archmage 10 Points

Use magic 50 times!

Bigwig 10 Points

Earn 10000 gold coins!

Bombardier 10 Points

Fire 250 cannonballs!

Bully 10 Points

Shoot down 5 birds!

Cannoneer 10 Points

Fire 150 cannonballs!

Fat Cat 10 Points

Earn 200000 gold coins!

Gunner 10 Points

Fire 50 cannonballs!

Hunter 10 Points

Shoot down 15 birds!

Landlord 10 Points

Gain 25 crowns!

Mage 10 Points

Use magic 15 times!

Magister 10 Points

Use magic 25 times!

Master of Arms 10 Points

Buy all of the ammo types at least once!

Master Protector 10 Points

Survive 6 turns

Moneybags 10 Points

Earn 50000 gold coins!

Psycho 10 Points

Kill 50 hostages!

Rich 10 Points

Earn 30000 gold coins!

Scorcher 10 Points

Burn to dust 30 bricks!

Sharpshooter 10 Points

Win in one shot 50 times!

Shield of the Realm 10 Points

Survive 7 turns

Storekeeper 10 Points

Unlock all slots!

Warmonger 10 Points

Win 50 battles

Captain 25 Points

Kill 350 enemy soldiers!

Lord of the Realm 25 Points

Gain 50 crowns!

Pyromaniac 25 Points

Burn to dust 100 bricks!

Vulcan 25 Points

Fire 350 cannonballs!

Warlord 25 Points

Kill 500 enemy soldiers!

Labyrinth: SoS

Medals Earned: 4/8 (40/150 points)

Acid Drop 10 Points

Lure an enemy into an acid pool

Breaking and Entering 10 Points

Break into a Boss Battle without Destroying all the Orbs First

Daft Punk 10 Points

Get the Strongest Armor Helmet

Reptile Ransack 10 Points

Beat the Boss

Ammo Ambush 10 Points

Reach 99 Ammo

Power Presence 25 Points

Collect all 7 Permanent Upgrades in One Game

Sky Commander 25 Points

Get the wings

Lucky 13 50 Points

Reach Level 13

Leave Cthulhu Alone

Medals Earned: 6/15 (75/280 points)

Bomb a Shield 5 Points

You have destroyed a shield with Professor Bomb!

Level 1 5 Points

You have completed the first and easiest level!

Professor Bomb 5 Points

You have slain with the Professor Bomb!

Cop Bat 10 Points

You have poisoned someone with cop bat!

Close Call 25 Points

You have killed an invader in the ritual chamber!

Shield Slapper 25 Points

You've taken out a shield with a Detective Monster!

Lunatic Fringe 5 Points

You have made a Monster Loonie!

Mystic Moider 5 Points

You've killed with the mystic!

Level 10 10 Points

You are getting into the nitty-gritty!

Rival Schooling 10 Points

You've killed a Rival!

Level 20 25 Points

You are way deep in it now!

Maniac Cop 25 Points

You've taken out a cop with a lunatic!

Rival Meets Lightning 25 Points

You killed a Rival with a Mystic Monster!

Rival Love Tap 50 Points

You killed a Rival with a Detective Monster!

WINNER 50 Points

You have completed the game! Amazing!


Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/165 points)

All is Lost 5 Points

You've lost the game and doomed us all!

Time of Hammer 10 Points

You've found The Hammer of Brick Breaking!

Sword of Quantum 25 Points

You've claimed the sword!

Winner 25 Points

You've won the game and saved the universe!

Destroy All Monsters 50 Points

You've purged this game of all monsters!

Just Barely Won 50 Points

On the edge of darkness, you still prevailed!

Monster Hordes

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/315 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill yout first monster

Defender 10 Points

Kill 100 monsters

Forge Master 25 Points

Spend 100,000 in upgrades

General 25 Points

Use all warriors in a single battle

Healing Hand 25 Points

Deploy 10 priestresses in battle

Sentinel 25 Points

Kill 500 monsters

Spell Master 25 Points

Use all spells in a single battle

Stoned 25 Points

Deploy 10 golems in battle

Flawless 50 Points

Win a battle without taking any castle damage (battle day 5 and up)

Victorious 100 Points

Kill the Skeleton King

Moon Waltz

Medals Earned: 3/4 (75/100 points)

Spread Some Amour 25 Points

They were meant to be.

Together At Last 25 Points

Here my heart can rest.

Wolfen Grave 25 Points

So much for that appetitive for destruction...

Love Breaks All The Cuffs 25 Points


Night Lights: After Dark

Medals Earned: 6/15 (150/335 points)

Back to Basics 25 Points

Complete level 3

Here Again 25 Points

Complete level 1

Someone New 25 Points

Complete level 5

The Platform 25 Points

Complete level 2

The Ride 25 Points

Complete level 4

Through the Floor 25 Points

Complete level 6

The Change 5 Points

Complete level 14

Up and Down 5 Points

Complete level 12

Come with Me 25 Points

Complete level 10

Final Trial 25 Points

Complete level 15

Hurry Up 25 Points

Complete level 13

Stay in Light 25 Points

Complete level 11

The Basement 25 Points

Complete level 8

The Follower 25 Points

Complete level 7

The Killing 25 Points

Complete level 9