
blargsnarf's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 312 (From 58 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 6,280 Points

The Whicher

Medals Earned: 5/5 (500/500 points)

Eye of the Sky 100 Points

Magical Artifact

Eclipse Crest 100 Points

Magical Artifact

Ancient Script 100 Points

Magical Artifact

The White Sign 100 Points

Magical Artifact

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tiny Dangerous Dungeons

Medals Earned: 8/10 (350/500 points)

Knife Thrower 25 Points

Find the Throwing Knives!

Power Pusher 25 Points

Find the Power Glove!

Treasure Taker 25 Points

Find the Treasure Key!

Water Walker 25 Points

Find the Water Walk Boots!

Fruit Finder 50 Points

Find the 1st Life Fruit!

Health Hoarder 50 Points

Find the 2nd Life Fruit!

Treasure Hunter 50 Points

Reach the Treasure Chamber!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Danger Dodger 50 Points

Finish the game without dying once

Statue Shunner 100 Points

Finish the game without using a single Save Statue

Viking Valor

Medals Earned: 6/11 (155/405 points)

Last Action Hero 10 Points

Unlock the evacuador

No Mans Land 10 Points

Complete the first stage

White Wizard 10 Points

Unlock all spells

Loki 25 Points

Unlock all Types of Traps

Mouse Trap 50 Points

Fill the stage with traps

Unholy Paladin 50 Points

Complete any stage without taking any damage

Narrowminded 25 Points

Use only one type of trap on a stage

The big guns 25 Points

Max out your trusty cannoners

Final Showdown 50 Points

Finish stage 5 without taking any damage

Medium-Hard 50 Points

Finders Keepers - Take back your diamond from the greedy king

Tied Hands 100 Points

Defeat a wave with only traps

Villainous - Tower Attack

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/120 points)

What is Good in Life? 5 Points

Earn your first bronze medal on a stage.

What is Best in Life? 5 Points

Earn your first gold medal on a stage.

Everything for Everyone 10 Points

Unlock the secret Newgrounds treasure.

Prequel to the Sequel 25 Points

Unlock the last stage of the game.

One Thousand Goblins Later... 50 Points

Get all gold medals and all gold skills.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Wilderness Survive Escape

Medals Earned: 5/5 (275/275 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Are Disabled

Medals Earned: 2/5 (75/325 points)

Crippled 25 Points

Reach the end with the Crippled disability.

Illiterate 50 Points

Reach the end with the Illiterate disability.

Nearly Blind 100 Points

Reach the end with the Nearly Blind disability.

Spastic 100 Points

Reach the end with the Spastic disability.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Broke the Game

Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/390 points)

Key 5 Points

Put the key on the altar

Apple 10 Points

Put the apple on the altar

Potion 25 Points

Put the potion on the altar

Goblet 50 Points

Put the goblet on the altar

Full Score 100 Points

Collect all the coins and beat the game

Pacifist 100 Points

Beat the game without killing any enemy (level restart is allowed)

Speedrun 100 Points

Beat the game in under 3 minutes


Medals Earned: 8/26 (40/500 points)

Bravado 5 Points

Drink poison

Double Rainbow 5 Points

Scale Mount Ulahard

Good boy! 5 Points

Play with your dog

Novice 5 Points

Craft your first potion

Overreaction 5 Points

Burn Duro to get his ship

Rhisla 5 Points

Complete Rhisla

Ro'gor 5 Points

Complete Ro'gor

What's this? 5 Points

Pick your first ingredient

Aeryl 5 Points

Complete Aeryl

Elaris 5 Points

Complete Elaris

Immature 5 Points

Annoy the portly man in the shower

Meztla 5 Points

Complete Meztla

Potal 5 Points

Complete Potal

Bullet 10 Points

Complete the race across the border

Fortified 10 Points

Collect a health upgrade

Herbalist 10 Points

Collect 100 ingredients

Lynaii 10 Points

Complete Lynaii

Pacifist 10 Points

Complete the race without firing

Sacrilege 10 Points

Enter the locked temple on Meztla

how it will end. 25 Points

Defeat X'o'chthu

Master Alchemist 25 Points

Craft all potions

Sneaky 25 Points

Don't get shot on the Potal battlefield

Fourth Wall 50 Points

Visit the developers

Potion Addict 50 Points

Drink all potions at once

Man of Steel 100 Points

Collect all health upgrades

Masochist 100 Points

Defeat X'o'chthu using Freeze potions only